
The Advantage

Advantage: Having something that the enemy doesnt have.


Master Rob Says: Make the mind tougher by exposing it to adversity. Learn to detach yourself from the chaos of battlefield. Let others lose their heads; your presence of mind will steer you clear of their influence and keep you on course.

Defeating Enemies is always possible when every spare second is spent strategically. If enemy has huge advantage over you, employ passive strategy. When you have huge advantage over enemy employ direct strategy

Passive Strategy

Passive strategy is about relaxing the enemy while you work. This can be achieved by pleasing his confidence or arrogance. Here are the tactics:

Direct Strategy

Direct strategy is about intimidating the enemy into giving up. Demoralize the enemy by showing your strength. Make him doubt if he will ever be at your level.

Let w, x, y, r be measures of demoralization of enemy.
Let w = Amount at which demoralization induced motivation peaks, As demoralization goes beyond w motivation rapidly gets replaced by fear, depression and frustration
Let x = Amount at which demoralization induced motivation and Minimum amount that would be counter-productive to the enemy when he is training to defeat you
Let y = Amount that would make the enemy leave his quest of training to defeat you
***Note: x can also be defined as the limit where demoralization is past its peak motivating The following are some relations:


Let r = Amount that he has
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